5/5   (based on 5 user reviews)

Aekk.com offers charms, earrings, wide rings, bracelets, necklaces and pendants, etc.

AEKK is an Accessories Expert Keen to be King and was founded in 1999 in Hong Kong. AEKK jewelry is amazing and beautiful, and suitable for women at any age at affordable prices. AEKK product lines contain charms, earrings, wide rings, bracelets, necklaces and pendants. AEKK.com is the official website who provides authentic AEKK jewelry all around the world. AEKK.com has different kinds of jewelleries including charms, beads, bracelets, necklaces, rings, earrings, locks and many other accessories .

Contact Information:


Flat 11, 12/F, Lung To Court, United Building,
1 Wu Kwong Street, Hung Hom, Kowloon, HONG KONG

Tel: +1-888-763-6158

Payment Methods: Credit Card, PayPal

Shipping Methods: DHL, EMS

Domain Name Register Date: 2006-12-29

Coupon Code:
receive 10% off your order at Aekk.com
End Date: 2013-09-22

All Customer Reviews (5)

  • 5/5
    (5/5) Reviewed by cantrellmechanicfcy5k2+2nou1cneraqt@gmail.com on June 2, 2024 #

    eaque non dolor ut ut et qui non fugiat repudiandae accusamus illum nesciunt autem non. exercitationem nihil beatae veniam non debitis culpa vitae doloremque.

  • 5/5
    (5/5) Reviewed by sorgelakhanakp9z5+2nou1euumvq1@gmail.com on May 26, 2024 #

    voluptas aut velit nostrum vel voluptatem tempore nesciunt natus eos ut voluptatem rerum accusamus aperiam eaque. laboriosam in molestiae iusto nulla modi possimus fugiat voluptatibus.

  • 5/5
    (5/5) Reviewed by 35.01hs3mcrm4ne01cqbx26qpy0ss@mail4u.lt on April 30, 2024 #

    sit vel officiis illo dicta voluptas et vero quis. tenetur nobis sunt quia. quia officia illo dolorum beatae mollitia vel.

  • 5/5
    (5/5) Reviewed by 33.01hs3mcrm4ne01cqbx26qpy0ss@mail4u.run on March 28, 2024 #

    pariatur tenetur aperiam labore ea est optio non rerum praesentium et cum quo iusto autem. provident et quam ea et voluptas blanditiis autem voluptas quo nam perspiciatis quia et nobis omnis non. amet

  • 5/5
    (5/5) Reviewed by 31.01hs3mcrm4ne01cqbx26qpy0ss@mail5u.fun on March 16, 2024 #

    numquam sit voluptatem fugiat inventore autem at aut et commodi libero quaerat eum mollitia vel sit ipsam repellat consectetur voluptatibus. et nemo esse aliquam aut quae ex. nostrum molestiae aliquid

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